
Personal Interview
Helpful Hints for Personal Interview

(1) Speak in natural way

The interviewee should not speak fast, incoherently or inaudibly in the course of an interview. He should try to speak every word in a well pronounced and distinct manner. He should speak in quite a natural way. Every word should be quiet clear and well pronounced. Slang words should be avoided altogether. Every person develops his won method of speaking. It is not wise to imitate the style of any other person.

(2) Don't Bluff : 

It is always a wrong practice to bluff. The interviewee should never forget that the interviewers are scholars, well read, accomplished and experienced people and they seldom mistake in judging the real worth of the candidate. It is beneficial for the interviewee, therefore, that he should be as frank, truthful and sincere as possible.

(3) Don't be rude :

A person should develop the habit of politeness. It has a great importance in the case of a candidate. Some candidates, finding themselves unable to answer a few questions, lose their temper and even become rude. This is a dangerous habit and should be abondoned.

(4) Sticking to one's point of view : 

In an interview, the interviewee should stick to his own point of view. The candidate is expected to have distinguished personality of his own and his preference and prejudices and his definite ideas on important matters. Once a candidate has expressed his approach to a certain problem, he should stick to it, even though the interviewer may express his disagreement with his views. An instance will make this point more clear. If the candidate is of the view that there is food shortage in the country, then he should not agree with the interviewer that the country has not real food deficit, simply because they have so insisted.

(5) Argument and challenge : 

To try to be "clever" is something bad and harmful. One should not throw a challenge or put question to the examiner. Avoid argument with him. Never tell him that he is wrong. When he says something, listen to him patiently and attentively, even if he is wrong. The interviewer should not be interrupted when he is talking. Avoid given offense to the interviewer in any form.

(6) Manners : 

 "The loud laugh bespeaks the vacant mind" Goldsmith. You may laugh with the examiner but not at the examiner.

*Do not smoke unless your are asked to. Don't offer a cigarette to the examine.

*Look at the examiner in the face without staring. A candidate with wandering eyes is liable to give an impression of being unreliable.

*Do not continually move small articles like ashtrays, smoothing your hair or do movements of that sort. These habits suggest lack of confidence.

*Do not try to show off your knowledge on any subject unnecessarily. Try to be sticking strictly to the point.

*Do not start chewing sweets, gum or pan which can be objectionable.

(7) Dress : 

The candidate must appear in an appropriate dress as demanded by the Board. Suitable dress impresses the examiner. It also helps producing a favorable impression on the minds of his fellow competitors.

(8) Above all keep faith in ALLAH (God)

"Be serious when you listening questions from interviewer; Don't look shy; not over confidence; not show that you are losing your will; no more movement of your hands fingers; not look on any direction if interviewer ask you to tell about the height of roof."

"While talking to G.T.O or Interviewer don't swallow or spit. Follow all rules and regulations at I.S.S.B even if u r alone. In command task try your best to complete it. "

"first of all take permission at Entrance then say salam n then go near the seat not sit until he permitted,if he is not saying for siting the take permission,always be with simling face n not be over confident,n no need to feel shy n give authenticated answer,n speak truth,its my views."

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Abdul Zahoor Malik



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