Group Planning Exercise

G.T.O (Group Testing Officer)
Group Planning Exercise
This exercise begins soon after the Group Discussion, It is an outdoor task, where the Group Testing officer reads out the narrative and with the help of the sand-model or sketch map explains the situation to the candidates. The map or model contains the scale, legend etc. If the candidates required any clarification to some pints, then it is cleared by the Group Testing Officer. Thereafter, the candidates are to write down their individual solutions in the paper provided for the purpose. The candidate are not allowed to consult each other while writing down their solutions. The candidate have to write down their chest numbers on the tip of the writing papers. The time for this written work is about 10 minutes. Thereafter, the candidate are required to discuss among themselves the situation and problems so as to arrive at a group solutions or plan. Every candidate is desired to express his views on the situation. All the candidates must arrive at a group plan. In the case the whole group is not unanimous in deciding the solution, then the plan accepted by the majority of the candidates is presented as the plan of the group. Then one of the candidate who is selected by the group itself stand up as a spokesman and present the plan to the Group Testing Officer. The time limit for discussion presentation is the observation and study of natural phenomena all around him. The time limit for discussion and presentation of the group plan is usually 20 minutes. After the presentation of group plan, the Group Testing Officer may ask the other candidate to give comments or criticism or suggestion. If any, to improve or modify the plan.


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