G.T.O tips

G.T.O (Group Testing Officer) Test

Group discussions
The group discussion or group discussion task has assumed great importance. In the Group Testing Officer Task or G.T.O Task, the candidate creates the first impression on the Group Testing Officer (G.T.O) and other members of his group. The good performance of the candidate in the task of group discussion creates a good impression on the Group Testing Officer, and enrich his role in subsequent group tasks. As first impression is the last impression, hence the candidate must try his best to show his worth in group discussion.

During group discussion all candidates are arranged to sit in a circle. In the beginning every candidate introduces himself, like which city he belongs to, his educational qualifications, hobbies etc.  Thereafter, the group discussions exercise begins. In this task, usually, two subjects are read out to the candidates and they are required to choose one of them for the sake of discussion. The subject which is agreed upon by the majority of the candidates is accepted by the Group Testing Officer for discussion.

G.T.O (Group Testing Officer)
Helpful Tips for Group Discussions
  • Carefully listen to the briefing of the Group Testing Officer.
  • Take interest in the discussion and remain very active during the discussion.
  • Try to understand the topic first and make your effort to take lead in determining the choice of the subject.
  • Talk with confidence to the whole group looking in the eye of each candidate, and you must not keep looking at the Group Testing officer.
  • Don't be rigid in your ideas, must accept criticism with open mind.
  • Co-operate with others in friendly manner.
  • Remember its not the command of English language checked during this discussion, do not hesitate even if you are making grammatical mistakes.
  • G.T.O (Group Testing Officer)
    Helpful tips for Group Planning Exercise
    • You must strive for winning the distinction of being the spokesman of the group.
    • The situations in these planning exercises are usually involved destroying the enemy and his equipment, his bridges etc. You must examine the narrative and try to understand the situation. Try to catch the importance of the matter in your mind before presenting your solution to the group members.
    • If your given judgment appears to be wrong then you must admit it cheerfully and quickly. 



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